Having experienced selling businesses both with and without the help of a broker, Vivienne knew what she needed, when she needed to sell again. The expertise of a Transworld business broker to act as a buffer and offer a wider perspective to all sides, in order to secure a win-win sale.
A recent health scare led one business owner to redefine her life. For Vivienne Nweke, this involved selling her business in order to reprioritise her health and family needs.
So, when it came selling her 16 year established business, past experiences led Vivienne back to where she’d felt most confident – with her local Transworld Business Advisors broker. “I discovered having a broker is like having a security guard. They protected me from pushy or ungenuine buyers, by ensuring they were fully vetted. Communications were initiated through the broker, and meetings between me and interested buyers meant I had the support of my broker, who would often answer on my behalf. Nada from Transworld of London South West, was particularly good at diverting the wrong buyers.”
Having already sold a business herself, Vivienne prefers to use an agent. “I found Nada, Ken and John from Transworld of London South West to be absolutely invaluable. They took a lot of hits on my behalf, and acted as a buffer, protecting me from challenges I’d experienced with the sale of my first business. I had a real sense Transworld was on my side, and John was chasing what I was chasing – the best possible outcome. I never ever felt I was being played off against the buyer, so I have a high degree of trust for my brokers.”
For Vivienne, one of the biggest tells of a good broker is the relationship they have with all parties. “You can tell so much by how someone treats others; I’m a big believer in treating people how I want to be treated. John was a complete gentleman in his dealings with both the buyer and I. He was very masterful in this respect, never portraying the buyer in a poor light, even when there had been an issue. The simplicity of showing kindness to others – especially those not paying for your services – is the mark of someone who is not just focused on making money.”
The understanding of the deal, and of her business, gave Vivienne the confidence to carry on doing what she does best. Running her business. “Transworld were excellent and very professional throughout the whole process. I felt so confident in their skills, I could concentrate my attention on my business. Although there were times when I was worried – especially with unexpected delays to the sale going through – I knew I could scream, vent, cry to the Transworld team. They knew how to put me at ease, with the right advice. Selling a business can be stressful but Transworld always kept their cool.”
Vivienne is looking forward to a good 2020, thanks to the support of Transworld Business Advisors, “I’m excited about the future. My phone used to be glued to my ear now, it is nowhere in sight when I’m spending time with my husband, close family and friends. I’ve also started to take the necessary steps to address my health and family issues now I have the one thing I lacked the most – time.”